Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Tagore

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


We were trying to follow GPS over the mountain
We were on this gravel road, which turned into a dirt road

At this point GPS insisted we turn right
There was no road anyplace in sight
This is where we turned around and took another route

The better road was two-lane, no turnouts and we were behind this truck full
of wood chips  mile after mile.

Whee...we made it
Now on to Charlottesville, Virginia to Monticello
 Driving up another mountain to Monticello

The vegetables were humongous
I don't know if they were that large when Jefferson had his slaves
tending the garden

Jefferson's vision and follow through to turn the top of a mountain
into a home, vegetable and flower gardens...essentially Eden
probably could not have been accomplished without slave labor
So while I admire the outcome (love it, actually)
it does leave one with a heavy heart

 under the house
are storage rooms
wine cellar

Thomas Jefferson 
and other members of the Jefferson family are buried here

1 comment:

  1. The lighting, capturing each moment in time, in these photos is stunning! The inspiration given along side the blog is equally uplifting and enlightening. Thank you for brighten my day!



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