Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Tagore

Monday, January 7, 2013

R. I. P.

LA Times

Huell Howser, 67, one of public television’s most iconic figures, died Sunday night. 
His platform was traditional and unflashy — highlighting familiar and off-the-beaten-track spots all around California in public television series with titles such as "California's Gold," "Visiting," "Road Trip" and "Downtown."
But though his shows were focused on points and people of interest, it was Howser who turned into the main attraction, tackling his subjects with an awestruck curiosity and relentless enthusiasm. His upbeat boosterism accompanied an appearance that was simultaneously off-kilter and yet somehow cool, with a hint of retro — a thick, square mane of white hair, sunglasses, shirts that showed off a drill sergeant's build and huge biceps, and expressions that ranged from pleasantness to jaw-dropping wonder with some of his discoveries. Topping it all off was a molasses-smooth Tennessee twang which gave an irresistibly folksy flavor to his frequent exclamations of "Oh my gosh!" and "Isn't that amazing?"

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