Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. Tagore

Monday, February 18, 2013

More from Sunday's Walk in The Park and Other Sunday Fun

 Met Jackie at Bernardo's Sunday afternoon, then we went to B Street Theater to see:
I'm sure I've said this for each of his plays, "this is his best one yet".

 Walking through Fremont Park to get to Capitol Park

 Downtown and across from capitol

 My favorite urban redwood grove
and place for contemplation

Camellias are blooming along with flowering trees.   It's a little bit early, so there should still be lots more for a few weeks
 I recognize that it may appear that I take a photo of every flower, but there are thousands of blooms and each are beautiful.



  1. Learning so much about the area we live in... thank you as always for sharing your vision of the world around us.

    1. Thanks Ruby. It would be interesting to have a half dozen people go to the same places and take photos of what catches their eye. You probably couldn't tell it was the same place, since we all see things from our unique point of view.


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